I love this verse. In a positive way, I believe it completely sums up our journey of provision as we walk thru Fibular Hemimelia. If I had it my way, I'd have a pile of provisions sitting in our bank account...but God has been gracious to provide every step of the way. We are very blessed, and I am extremely grateful for the fact that He knows our needs, that He goes ahead and makes a way for us.
I wanted to do a quick update because its time to go back to Baltimore again. This 6 weeks of cast care has really gone by quickly. Gracie has done amazing, with little pain, but I think more discomfort then anything. She says her cast hurts a lot, but its not slowing her down too often, so I think a good chunk of the time, its just heavy and uncomfortable. I hope so anyway...its really hard to judge the milder side of pain on a 2 year old. I wish she could give me an answer on the 1-10 scale. LOL! Monday, July 22nd, Gracie gets her cast removed. I believe she will still need to wear it, but just for a limited amount (like during the day, but not at bed time, or just during bed time, etc). After that she will go into an AFO (ankle foot orthotic) brace for 3-6 months (until she outgrows it)...and then should have a free leg again! We will get some x-rays Monday to see how the tendon transfer is healing and make sure everything is as it should be. Since we've had a few "unexpected" issues arise, I am cautiously optimistic that we will not have any more surgeries this year!
We had a blast visiting Lala, Papa, and Uncle Steve in Coeur d'Alene. Gracie got to use her swim cover almost every day and really enjoyed getting in the pool and hot tub. I have 2 little fish that's for sure!! While we were there we had some family pictures taken. They haven't all come back yet, but I posted a couple, along with some cute recent ones. I definitely want to do family pics with the Patton/Clark side next time we're in AZ...these were fun!
We do have some specific prayer requests...1-Please be praying that the tendon transfer took, that she is healed and we get a great report from Dr. Standard on Monday. 2-Gracie has now started turning her leg/foot IN. I'm not sure if its from the tendon transfer, a new issue, or just how she's compensating with the cast...but prayers that no other work is needed for a while would be great. Gracie, and our family need a break from surgeries and recovery. 3-Our lease on our CRV is coming due and my mini-van has over 188k miles on it. So...we are in the market for 2 vehicles, but can only afford 1 payment. Please be praying for God's guidance, wisdom, provision and favor over us as we look into replacing these vehicles/buying out the lease, etc..4-We are financially tight, if surgeries are done for a while, it may be time for me to go back to work outside of the home. It's not what we want, but may be what is needed. Please be praying for God's direction, wisdom, guidance and provision on that issue as well. 5-Prayers that Gracie finally gets accepted on Medicaid. Her AFO's are approximately $1200, and they would be completely covered under Medicaid if she was accepted...it would be a HUGE help!
I know its a lot of prayer requests....but we can not thank you enough for your prayers! They are needed and appreciated! Plus, God definitely hears them...the last fundraiser was enough for the last trip, and we are believing in God for provision for this weekends quick trip as well!!!
Thank you and God Bless!
One little fishy |
Two little fishy |
My family! |
She takes my breath away! |
No teeth handsome boy! |
4th of July |
Just a cute shot from today, hanging out |
The Peterson side of the family! |
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