Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Remember your promise to me; it is my only hope. Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles." (Psalm 119:49-50).

Things are crazy as usual.  I expect with the holidays coming around it will just continue that way.  On the 2nd, my lil man turned 4, and Monday my baby girl turns 1, I can't believe it!!!

God has been so good to us.  He always is, but this past month it has been really visible to me.  Robert was in a car accident, his car was totaled, and he was unharmed!! (Thank God)!!!  This accident opened up the door for us to get the minivan we have been needing.  We found one we could afford, used the insurance money to buy it, and its been great!  We have what we need for the kids, and Gracie's care, and it turned out to be a van that was well taken care of.  Because we were on a very limited budget, we had to buy an older/high mileage vehicle.  We found, around the same time, someone from our church who works on vehicles.  So, with the money we had left over from the accident, we were able to get everything mechanically wrong fixed.  We got our van back GREAT condition. 

We lost the appeal for Gracie's state insurance.  It was hard, and frustrating, and it hurts...but it is what it is.  I'm now filing for SSI, which is kinda my back door into the insurance. Praying it works.

We had the fundraiser day at "The Spot," and it was so nice to see everyone who showed up.  We wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who came, and the owners!  Robert and I were so blessed and humbled by the turnout and the effort on part of the owners to make this something special for Gracie.  Please continue to support them as often as you can.  The food there is AMAZING!  We are in the process of setting up our next fundraiser, which will be a bike run (motorcycle).  Our goal right now is for late January, but no date has been set.  Further info will be posted here.

I received my very own blessing last weekend.  I have wanted to attend the women's retreat my church is hosting this weekend.  I've wanted to go more then I could explain, I really feel like I need heart is heavy so often.  It was not in our budget though, and a full scholarship was not something that was available.  Last Sunday at church, I was pulled aside and blessed with a spot!  I am praying for the person who made/whose circumstances made it possible for me to go, and I am SOOOO thankful and excited!

I love the scripture listed for this entry.  I find such peace in it.  I feel like God is really working on providing me with the peace I need.  I am an organizer...everything in its place.  It has been hard to be able to do only so much, and then wait, and not know what this road is going to hold for us.  I have some ideas, have other people's experiences...but not ours.  It has been one of my biggest struggles.  BUT, this month, God really showed me that even though I don't know what's coming...and we have so many needs...He is meeting them.  He is comforting me in my troubles.  He provides what I need... when I need it.  (Not all at once and early like I would prefer).  LOL!  It's still hard, and I still would like it all at once, but I am beyond grateful that He hears my cries and that He has His hand in all of this!  That He knows how much we still need, and that He comforts and revives me!!!! 

Thank you to those of you who have joined us on this journey with your contributions, prayers, hard work, and love.  Please continue to pray for our financial needs for the surgery and recovery and for the anxiousness that comes over us as March gets closer.

I hope you find peace in this verse too.....

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