Well today is the day we've been waiting for. Today my mom, baby girl and I get on a plane and head to Baltimore. I can't wait to sit in front of doctors who treat babies like mine and can give me some real answers. I'm filled with an interesting mix of fear, anxiety and joy!!! I'm scared to see what the future holds but excited to have a plan. These last couple months have been amazing! Gracie has been rolling over from tummy to back and back to tummy. She also FINALLY giggled! Landry got her to laugh and it was soooo cool! I could not have been happier. She has not however laughed since then. Apparently big brother is the only one funny in our house. Lol.
Last Friday we had a routine appointment with Gracie's cardiologist to check and make sure 2 holes had closed up in her heart. One has shrunk from 3mm to 1mm, but the other hasn't moved. Long story short if this hole doesn't close up by the time Gracie is 2-3 then she'll have to have a plug put in. It's a simple procedure but still scares me. I just hate to think of all these "procedures.". So....instead we are praying for it to close. This was very unexpected news so it kinda threw me for a few days. On top of that Gracie's blood pressure was high so we had to do a rush renal ultrasound to make sure she had both her kidneys and they were healthy. I'm VERY happy to say yesterday we got news that she does have both kidneys and they are healthy. It's been a super big roller coaster ride of a few days but this trip holds so much hope in it, I will not give in to fear! These are the times when I realize i am beyond blessed to have my husband, our kids, my parents, my in-laws and our families. When I hurt or break I get picked up with loving arms and reassuring words.
Here are some recent pics and a quote another FH mom posted that I just loved. Have a blessed day!
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