Gracie is 4 1/2 months now, and doing great. She smiles constantly...I mean she is one of the happiest babies I've ever seen. Landry was a happy baby too, but she gives away her smiles a whole lot easier then he did. Her laughs...well that's another story. She's making me work hard for that, and still haven't gotten one yet. She's so close to laughing its crazy, so I can't imagine it will take too long. She should be rolling from her back to her tummy any day now too. She's just loving life, and we love having her in ours!
I finally decided to join a support/awareness group on facebook for Fibular Hemimelia. Its been just as helpful as scary. These families are amazing, and welcomed me with open arms followed by GREAT advice. Its so good to know someone who has been there. Its also great to meet people who are there now! I'm following some blogs and really looking into things. I think the reality has sunk in, and now I'm ready to fight. I'm ready to make sure my baby girl gets the best, and has the best chances at normalcy. I still have days where I'm just knocked over the head with emotion. Its a big roller coaster ride I didn't even know I was on. The other day, my mom bought my niece some shoes for her birthday...the absolute cutest shoes and my heart just broke. Its hard to explain, I was so happy for my niece...they will look great on her...but devastated that shoes won't ever be easy for Gracie. I loved shoes...they used to call out to me before I had a husband and they ignore me, lol! I hope Gracie can have her own special love affair with shoes one day...just with a few twists.
We have started noticing Gracie's leg length discrepancy has grown, and her ankle has dropped down and turned out. Because of this, the connection to others going thru FH has been very helpful. I have found out you don't really have to wait until a year to get a care plan going or hear some answers to your questions. So...I'm taking her to the best of the best! The Sinai Hospital in Baltimore Maryland has a limb lengthening institute called RIAO. (Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics). We have an appointment scheduled for May 3rd, but are waiting to by airline tickets until we talk to Dr. Standard tomorrow night. His answers to our questions will determine when we take Gracie out there...but she will end up there at some point. I'm hoping its sooner then later. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm super organized. I hate change, and LOVE to know what to expect. I thrive when I can work within boundaries of schedules and plans. So...I'm praying tomorrow night will tell us to come out and get a care plan. They won't really do procedures on Gracie so young, but I just want an idea of what to expect as far as her care really hoping to get that.
I believe today is the day our journey begins, not the day Gracie was born, but today. Because today I am fully in, fully aware, and fully ready to stand, fight, love, hold, cry and help my baby girl thru this process with all the power and strength God gives me! So...with faith the size of a mustard seed, we stand...ready for God to heal, fill, and renew us!
I wanted to post some pictures of a photo shoot we had for Gracie at our house and some others I've just taken here and there. The photographer was Franchesca Day...if you need her contact info to set up pictures with her, let me know!
Her whole face lights up when she smiles! |
Taken by Franchesca Day of my favorite pics of her! |
Taken by Franchesca Day Photography |
Landry and Gracie...these two complete our life! |
Landry is the BEST big brother...he adores his sissy! |
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