As the year ends to a close, I wanted to update everyone on our Christmas, and some of our biggest blessings. First and foremost, I want to say that we could not have made it thru this year without our relationship with God! I don't mean to offend anyone with my postings, but I also want to be very clear and honest. Our relationship with God is the biggest and best part of our lives. There have been so many times this year where we were completely overwhelmed, stressed, scared, anxious, etc...but He was faithful to lift us up, surround us with the love of friends and family, and speak to us thru His word, and our church family. So, as we celebrated Christmas, and now the end of the year, we also celebrated the birth of Jesus...and the beginning of a new season.
Our babies are doing great. Gracie is communicating better every day. She clearly says, "no, more, hi, LaLa, Papa, Nana, and uh-oh." She has lots of words that she just makes the sound of, so I know what she's saying/asking for...but they wouldn't be clear to many people. LOL! She is walking great, (although she falls a lot because she is growing and so is the difference in her legs), and is even trying to run away from us! I can not put into words the feisty spirit this girl has. She is so full of personality it surprises me every day. Landry is getting ready to start at a new school and we are so excited to see that changes it will bring. He is growing and getting smarter every minute, and just to an AMAZING big brother. He is having his own struggles with everything coming up for Gracie, but we are navigating thru it, and making sure he knows how much we love him!
Gracie's surgery is only 71 days away. Yes, I know, I'm counting down the days. It started today. I started getting forms and applications together for financial assistance thru different grants we are applying for, and just was shocked at how close it actually is to being surgery time. It makes me want to cry, and it breaks my heart. I absolutely hate the idea of having to put her and our family thru this, but Robert and I know, deep inside, that this is the best route for her. I just wish we didn't have to travel down this road. I keep praying for complete healing, (and am encouraged to keep praying that, no matter which way God chooses to heal her). I really feel like God is going to use this for good. I wish there wasn't anything to use, but I do feel He will bring good from it. In fact, He already has. We have been humbled, blessed and loved more then we could have imagined. We have met strangers who have been beyond generous in their giving and praying, and we have developed some amazing friendships that we treasure. There are moments that will never be forgotten, like our bike run, and a recent posting from a friend on the "See Gracie Run" facebook page that said Gracie convicts her to try harder. Our 1 year old little baby girl is being used by God! In those moments, I can see God moving, and it pleases me.
Please be in continued prayer for our family as this new year will bring about many challenges, changes and much growth. We would specifically appreciate prayer for our finances/financial provision, our jobs (I want to find a way to stay home with my babies), favor on our grant/financial aid applications, and a covering over our family for health, strength and peace. Know that you are in our prayers also, and we continue to pray for God to be generous with His blessings towards you!
We hope you had a Christmas to remember, and have a New Year to rejoice about!
~The Peterson's
Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
"Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to." (Deuteronomy 15:10).
Some people asked about the shirts we were wearing, and I wanted to let them know we will be posting information on how to get a "See Gracie Run" shirt VERY soon, so stay tuned! (Pic below).
There are people to thank, but first I want to thank Jen, Paul, Dana, Matt, Richard, and Ed. Without these people, the run would've never happened. Not only were we blessed by the run, but we really had very minimal involvement in setting it up. These friends went out of their way and made sure we could focus on Gracie and our family, not fundraising. We could not have done this, or even come close to anything like this without their time, energy, and support. We are so blessed to have moved into our home and have neighbors we can truly call friends. Thank you for your hard work. It was appreciated more then we can express.
I also want to recognize and thank the companies that donated items to our raffle. They went above and beyond and were so generous. Because Gracie's condition is so rare, we haven't been able to find a non-profit to attach to. These companies donated anyway, and when others were saying no, they gave from their hearts. Each one will be added to our "businesses to support page," but we want to thank them here. When you have a need for their services, we ask that you consider these companies first.
A Touch Above the Rest
Arizona Cardinal Tickets - Richard Mendoza/Debbie Dobkin
Average Joe's Motorcycles
Chandler Custom
Chandler Harley Davidson
Clausen Marketing and Design (created our logo)
Coolidge IGA
Cuts By Dori
Diamond Tattoo Parlor
Evil Twin
Gallopin' Goose
Heckler Designs
Joeta's Leathers
Kelly's Kawasaki
Knockout Motorcycles
Lone Tree Golf Club
Long Bow Golf Club
Network Automotive
RTO Sullivans
River Bottom
San Felipe
San Tan Flat
Shea Hanzal Hair
Ultra Luster
Wine - James Hoover
Last, but definitly not least, I want to thank everyone who came. With the exception of the people who put this run together, my mother, and 1 friend....we did not know anyone there. We did not have friends, family or our church family who were able to make it, so this event was completely with people we'd never met before. Your spirit, generosity, and care will NEVER be forgotten. You will always hold a special place in our heart, and we will lift you up in our prayers. This scripture is our hope and prayer for you, that God blesses you in everything you put your hand to. This was one of the most humbling experiences of our lives. There is no way we could adequately thank you, but we want you to know that, from the bottom of our hearts, we are grateful for you and even though it doesn't come close to how we feel....THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
And a huge thank you to my niece Bella who made her own cookies and lemonade stand to donate to Gracie's fund! She is such a precious young lady with a huge heart, and I love her so much!
I have added some pictures, and a video of the take off at the beginning of the run. Unless you were there, you can't imagine how incredible it was to hear and watch....but please check them out.
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Thursday, November 8, 2012
"Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?" (Proverbs 20:6).
I just have to brag about some of my friends for a minute. We are sooo blessed with great friends. Right now, 2 of them are working tirelessly to put together a See Grace Run, Poke Run. It will be held on December 1st and I am so excited. (The flyer is attached and see the fundraiser tab for more info). It is going to be an incredible experience and I can not wait! I have also ordered some See Gracie Run bands and will post more about them when they arrive.
Gracie turned 1 on the 29th of October and my goodness was this mamma soooo excited! She gave ME a present that day. She stood up, 3x, all by herself in the middle of the floor and started walking!!!! Let me tell you, I cried I was so happy! Her balance is a problem for her, but she really compensates well. She falls a lot more then Landry did, but she has half the foot he had too, so I think she's doing amazing!!! I have been working on getting her used to shoes, and when we put the brace on, with the shoe...she takes off! She does have a little limp, but nothing that stops her.
I spoke with Gracie's doctor a couple weeks ago, and he confirmed that we are all set for pre-op March 11, and surgery March 12. They will straighten her tibia and reconstruct her ankle. I can not believe how close it is getting. In 4 months we will be flying out to Baltimore, and all of our lives will be changing. The closer it gets, the more anxious I get, but overall, I think I'm doing pretty good. It's easy to be doing good when I have my husband's birthday in late September, and both Landry and Gracie's birthday's in October. Now it's time for the holidays, and this girl LOVES the holiday season!!!
Please continue to pray for us. We would love prayers for protection over our family and our health (there is sooo much to reschedule if Gracie gets sick right before surgery), favor and provision for flights, medical bills, therapy, etc., for the Poker Run to exceed our expectations, and for us to be as much of a blessing to others as they have been to us. We truly have been so humbled by the outpouring of love and prayers for Gracie.
***If you or anyone you know has items/services you would like to donate for a raffle during our fundraiser, please contact me at 480-227-0821 or Because we are not attached to a non-profit, we are having a hard time getting donations. The companies that provide donations will be listed on our registration flyer, on our facebook page, and on this blog. THANK YOU!!!!
Gracie turned 1 on the 29th of October and my goodness was this mamma soooo excited! She gave ME a present that day. She stood up, 3x, all by herself in the middle of the floor and started walking!!!! Let me tell you, I cried I was so happy! Her balance is a problem for her, but she really compensates well. She falls a lot more then Landry did, but she has half the foot he had too, so I think she's doing amazing!!! I have been working on getting her used to shoes, and when we put the brace on, with the shoe...she takes off! She does have a little limp, but nothing that stops her.
I spoke with Gracie's doctor a couple weeks ago, and he confirmed that we are all set for pre-op March 11, and surgery March 12. They will straighten her tibia and reconstruct her ankle. I can not believe how close it is getting. In 4 months we will be flying out to Baltimore, and all of our lives will be changing. The closer it gets, the more anxious I get, but overall, I think I'm doing pretty good. It's easy to be doing good when I have my husband's birthday in late September, and both Landry and Gracie's birthday's in October. Now it's time for the holidays, and this girl LOVES the holiday season!!!
Please continue to pray for us. We would love prayers for protection over our family and our health (there is sooo much to reschedule if Gracie gets sick right before surgery), favor and provision for flights, medical bills, therapy, etc., for the Poker Run to exceed our expectations, and for us to be as much of a blessing to others as they have been to us. We truly have been so humbled by the outpouring of love and prayers for Gracie.
***If you or anyone you know has items/services you would like to donate for a raffle during our fundraiser, please contact me at 480-227-0821 or Because we are not attached to a non-profit, we are having a hard time getting donations. The companies that provide donations will be listed on our registration flyer, on our facebook page, and on this blog. THANK YOU!!!!
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Gracie and I right after she was born! |
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One year baby girl is growing too fast! |
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Poker Bike Run flyer, See Gracie Run Fundraiser! |
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
"Remember your promise to me; it is my only hope. Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles." (Psalm 119:49-50).
Things are crazy as usual. I expect with the holidays coming around it will just continue that way. On the 2nd, my lil man turned 4, and Monday my baby girl turns 1, I can't believe it!!!
God has been so good to us. He always is, but this past month it has been really visible to me. Robert was in a car accident, his car was totaled, and he was unharmed!! (Thank God)!!! This accident opened up the door for us to get the minivan we have been needing. We found one we could afford, used the insurance money to buy it, and its been great! We have what we need for the kids, and Gracie's care, and it turned out to be a van that was well taken care of. Because we were on a very limited budget, we had to buy an older/high mileage vehicle. We found, around the same time, someone from our church who works on vehicles. So, with the money we had left over from the accident, we were able to get everything mechanically wrong fixed. We got our van back GREAT condition.
We lost the appeal for Gracie's state insurance. It was hard, and frustrating, and it hurts...but it is what it is. I'm now filing for SSI, which is kinda my back door into the insurance. Praying it works.
We had the fundraiser day at "The Spot," and it was so nice to see everyone who showed up. We wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who came, and the owners! Robert and I were so blessed and humbled by the turnout and the effort on part of the owners to make this something special for Gracie. Please continue to support them as often as you can. The food there is AMAZING! We are in the process of setting up our next fundraiser, which will be a bike run (motorcycle). Our goal right now is for late January, but no date has been set. Further info will be posted here.
I received my very own blessing last weekend. I have wanted to attend the women's retreat my church is hosting this weekend. I've wanted to go more then I could explain, I really feel like I need heart is heavy so often. It was not in our budget though, and a full scholarship was not something that was available. Last Sunday at church, I was pulled aside and blessed with a spot! I am praying for the person who made/whose circumstances made it possible for me to go, and I am SOOOO thankful and excited!
I love the scripture listed for this entry. I find such peace in it. I feel like God is really working on providing me with the peace I need. I am an organizer...everything in its place. It has been hard to be able to do only so much, and then wait, and not know what this road is going to hold for us. I have some ideas, have other people's experiences...but not ours. It has been one of my biggest struggles. BUT, this month, God really showed me that even though I don't know what's coming...and we have so many needs...He is meeting them. He is comforting me in my troubles. He provides what I need... when I need it. (Not all at once and early like I would prefer). LOL! It's still hard, and I still would like it all at once, but I am beyond grateful that He hears my cries and that He has His hand in all of this! That He knows how much we still need, and that He comforts and revives me!!!!
Thank you to those of you who have joined us on this journey with your contributions, prayers, hard work, and love. Please continue to pray for our financial needs for the surgery and recovery and for the anxiousness that comes over us as March gets closer.
I hope you find peace in this verse too.....
Thursday, September 27, 2012
"Even though you cannot see Me, My presence is real and I am at work on your behalf. I will work it all out for your good, I am your Father. I will heal you completely. Your faith will make your sure of what you hope for, and will give you proof of what you do not see" (Summary of Hebrews 11:1).
There has been SOOO much going on, that I don't even know where to start.
First, we have a new fundraiser on Monday, October 8th. The owners of The Spot (NEC of Higley and Ray Rd) are donating a percentage of sales from 8am-9pm when the attached flyer is shown. PLEASE make sure to stop by, support Gracie and get some amazing, fresh food!!!
Gracie got her AFO brace a few weeks ago. She doesn't mind it at all and it really helps her to balance. She is standing a lot, and so close to taking a step its crazy....but no walking yet. I find this hard because Landry was walking 3 days after his 1st birthday, and Gracie will be 1 in a month. I know I shouldn't compare, its just hard not to. I am so impressed with how she does with her brace though. I can't keep hair bows on to save her life, but she could care less about her brace. ITS GREAT! We also got Gracie's xrays done. I'm still waiting to hear from her doctor, but it looks to me like she is missing some bones in her foot. Looks to my mom like her tibia may have gotten a little straighter. It will be interesting to see what it looks like to Dr. Standard, LOL!
Gracie's physical therapist comes once a month to our house and is really impressed with her progress. She is also starting to talk. Besides Mama, and dada, she says "more," "uh-oh," "no," and makes a lot of specific sounds that correlate with it won't be long. She is quite possibly one of the most strong minded little girls that I've ever known. She is getting her hands in everything and really testing to see what our reactions will be. She has 7 teeth and I think another one is coming soon.
Robert and I are hoping to get family pictures and 1yr pics for Gracie done before her surgery in March. I put out a request on facebook for recommendations, and was referred to a non-profit called Inspiration Through Art. They work with photographers from all over the country to provide services for families going thru life changing events like ours. We applied, and later that day were accepted!!! I found a photographer on their site that I like, so I'm waiting to hear back from her and get the pics scheduled. I'm so excited!!! I can't wait. I ordered Gracie a Boise State tutu to wear with her jersey for one of the pics! Thanks Miranda!!!! That was an amazing referral!
Things have been going good, but crazy. We recently had a chance to take a quick trip to San Diego with Robert's cross country team. It was super busy but Landry got to play soccer at the beach with some of the kids, and Gracie got to put her feet in the ocean for the first time. Then last Friday, Robert was in a car accident. He is OK, THANK we're just waiting to see if they repair or total the car. We are hoping they repair it because it was paid off. I have received 2 pay cuts at work in the last 3 months. I realize how close the surgery is getting (March), and when I focus too much on it, I get down...I'm stressing more then usual about the mini van issue because we got Gracie a big girl car seat, and there is just no way our vehicle will work when she has her fixator on. I would not be able to transport both her and our son. I am still looking for work I can do from home when she comes back from Baltimore....but God is bigger and I will put my trust in Him.
Overall, we have had such a good month with Landry playing soccer, and Gracie cruising around all the furniture. Our church has finally found their own building, and we are just doing great. There is a song we've been singing at church that has really been helping me a lot lately. Its called "I'm Counting on God," by the Desperation Band. This song serves as a constant reminder to me of where my focus should be. Not on Fibular Hemimelia and what it will do to our daughter and family, but on God and the good He will bring from it.
I'm Counting On God, The Desperation Band
I’m in a fight not physical
And I’m in a war
But not with this world
You are the light that’s beautiful
And I want more
I want all that’s Yours
Joy unspeakable that won’t go away
And just enough strength
To live for today
So I never have to worry
What tomorrow will bring
‘Cause my faith is on solid rock
I am counting on God
I am counting on
I am counting on God
The miracle of Christ in me
Is the mystery that sets me free
I’m nothing like I used to be
Open up your eyes you’ll see
First, we have a new fundraiser on Monday, October 8th. The owners of The Spot (NEC of Higley and Ray Rd) are donating a percentage of sales from 8am-9pm when the attached flyer is shown. PLEASE make sure to stop by, support Gracie and get some amazing, fresh food!!!
Gracie got her AFO brace a few weeks ago. She doesn't mind it at all and it really helps her to balance. She is standing a lot, and so close to taking a step its crazy....but no walking yet. I find this hard because Landry was walking 3 days after his 1st birthday, and Gracie will be 1 in a month. I know I shouldn't compare, its just hard not to. I am so impressed with how she does with her brace though. I can't keep hair bows on to save her life, but she could care less about her brace. ITS GREAT! We also got Gracie's xrays done. I'm still waiting to hear from her doctor, but it looks to me like she is missing some bones in her foot. Looks to my mom like her tibia may have gotten a little straighter. It will be interesting to see what it looks like to Dr. Standard, LOL!
Gracie's physical therapist comes once a month to our house and is really impressed with her progress. She is also starting to talk. Besides Mama, and dada, she says "more," "uh-oh," "no," and makes a lot of specific sounds that correlate with it won't be long. She is quite possibly one of the most strong minded little girls that I've ever known. She is getting her hands in everything and really testing to see what our reactions will be. She has 7 teeth and I think another one is coming soon.
Robert and I are hoping to get family pictures and 1yr pics for Gracie done before her surgery in March. I put out a request on facebook for recommendations, and was referred to a non-profit called Inspiration Through Art. They work with photographers from all over the country to provide services for families going thru life changing events like ours. We applied, and later that day were accepted!!! I found a photographer on their site that I like, so I'm waiting to hear back from her and get the pics scheduled. I'm so excited!!! I can't wait. I ordered Gracie a Boise State tutu to wear with her jersey for one of the pics! Thanks Miranda!!!! That was an amazing referral!
Things have been going good, but crazy. We recently had a chance to take a quick trip to San Diego with Robert's cross country team. It was super busy but Landry got to play soccer at the beach with some of the kids, and Gracie got to put her feet in the ocean for the first time. Then last Friday, Robert was in a car accident. He is OK, THANK we're just waiting to see if they repair or total the car. We are hoping they repair it because it was paid off. I have received 2 pay cuts at work in the last 3 months. I realize how close the surgery is getting (March), and when I focus too much on it, I get down...I'm stressing more then usual about the mini van issue because we got Gracie a big girl car seat, and there is just no way our vehicle will work when she has her fixator on. I would not be able to transport both her and our son. I am still looking for work I can do from home when she comes back from Baltimore....but God is bigger and I will put my trust in Him.
Overall, we have had such a good month with Landry playing soccer, and Gracie cruising around all the furniture. Our church has finally found their own building, and we are just doing great. There is a song we've been singing at church that has really been helping me a lot lately. Its called "I'm Counting on God," by the Desperation Band. This song serves as a constant reminder to me of where my focus should be. Not on Fibular Hemimelia and what it will do to our daughter and family, but on God and the good He will bring from it.
I'm Counting On God, The Desperation Band
I’m in a fight not physical
And I’m in a war
But not with this world
You are the light that’s beautiful
And I want more
I want all that’s Yours
Joy unspeakable that won’t go away
And just enough strength
To live for today
So I never have to worry
What tomorrow will bring
‘Cause my faith is on solid rock
I am counting on God
I am counting on
I am counting on God
The miracle of Christ in me
Is the mystery that sets me free
I’m nothing like I used to be
Open up your eyes you’ll see
Great pic of Gracie and my feet in the sand. She LOVED the ocean! |
Landry schooling the high school cross country team in soccer...LOL! They were soooo good to him! |
This is from a while ago, but I LOVE this picture of the two of them in Gracie's crib! |
My Starbucks dates! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the days I get to stay home with them! |
Gracie, showing off her pink brace! I swear she was posing for me! |
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PLEASE join us for See Gracie Run day at the SPOT! The food is amazing and it will be a HUGE help to us! |
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
"Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all straregies of the devil." (Ephesians 6:10-11)
This week has been a pretty good week as far as Gracie goes. We were notified last Thursday night that we were approved for the grant we applied for in hopes of getting her AFO brace covered. Turns out we got approved for the EXACT amount we were quoted. This felt like the first victory in our corner and I could not be more grateful for all the prayers and of course, for God hearing and answering those prayers with His provision! I took Gracie on Monday and got her re-fitted for the brace and they anticipate it will be ready in a couple weeks. Its a good thing we get to go back because Mark (the man who fits her) has won Gracie over. She literally jumped out of my arms to see him and did not want to come back to me. LOL!
We haven't gotten any update on the Fair Hearing Request for Medicaid, so I will be calling them soon to try and hurry them along. (As much as one can do with the government anyway). I'm noticing that it seems to be busy busy busy, and then wait wait wait. Right now, I'm kinda waiting for some of the work to come together. Friday we meet with a woman who is going to help us write up a press release for Gracie. We want to get the media involved to 1-get people interested in helping her, 2-increase awareness, and 3-see if I end up in contact with any families close to me that are going thru the same thing. I am also setting up a non-profit this weekend. I'm still going to do a TON of fundraising for Gracie, but on the side I will start this non-profit with the goal of really amping up awareness of Fibular Hemimelia, and doing what I can to assist families who aren't able to get the best medical care possible because of cost/travel, etc., or who don't know where to find it. As soon as I have that set up I will post the name on here. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm starting to wonder if this isn't what I'm supposed to be doing anyway.
Our church has been teaching the past month on the Armor of God. It has been one of the best lessons I have ever heard! I am so grateful to go to a church where God really uses the staff to reach people. Last Sunday was about putting on the helmet of salvation. Basically, it boils down to what you focus on, is what you feel. You choose based on what you think about or focus on. When I start focusing on being depressed, or worrying, I don't have to stay in this place. God's armor, the helmet of salvation can help me guard against my thoughts. I can still feel depressed or worried, but I can also meditate on God during those times, not on our circumstances....and that is what the armor of God will help me to do. So, for Gracie's sake, for the sake of my family, my marriage, and for my sake....I am putting on ALL the armor of God, not just the helmet. I'm choosing God when things are easy, AND when they are hard....and I believe in His promise to hear the cries of my heart.
Now, I just HAVE to brag real quick. I post so much about Gracie, and her circumstances, but my lil man Landry is AMAZING! I love him more than words can express, and I am so grateful God choose me to be his mommy. So Landry has been loving the water this summer. Him and daddy go swimming a lot at my moms, and at 3 1/2 he has decided to swim without floaties or any devices. He jumps in the pool and swims to the side!!! It is the coolest thing to watch! I had to brag about my baby and post a video! He's so stinkin cute!
We haven't gotten any update on the Fair Hearing Request for Medicaid, so I will be calling them soon to try and hurry them along. (As much as one can do with the government anyway). I'm noticing that it seems to be busy busy busy, and then wait wait wait. Right now, I'm kinda waiting for some of the work to come together. Friday we meet with a woman who is going to help us write up a press release for Gracie. We want to get the media involved to 1-get people interested in helping her, 2-increase awareness, and 3-see if I end up in contact with any families close to me that are going thru the same thing. I am also setting up a non-profit this weekend. I'm still going to do a TON of fundraising for Gracie, but on the side I will start this non-profit with the goal of really amping up awareness of Fibular Hemimelia, and doing what I can to assist families who aren't able to get the best medical care possible because of cost/travel, etc., or who don't know where to find it. As soon as I have that set up I will post the name on here. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm starting to wonder if this isn't what I'm supposed to be doing anyway.
Our church has been teaching the past month on the Armor of God. It has been one of the best lessons I have ever heard! I am so grateful to go to a church where God really uses the staff to reach people. Last Sunday was about putting on the helmet of salvation. Basically, it boils down to what you focus on, is what you feel. You choose based on what you think about or focus on. When I start focusing on being depressed, or worrying, I don't have to stay in this place. God's armor, the helmet of salvation can help me guard against my thoughts. I can still feel depressed or worried, but I can also meditate on God during those times, not on our circumstances....and that is what the armor of God will help me to do. So, for Gracie's sake, for the sake of my family, my marriage, and for my sake....I am putting on ALL the armor of God, not just the helmet. I'm choosing God when things are easy, AND when they are hard....and I believe in His promise to hear the cries of my heart.
Now, I just HAVE to brag real quick. I post so much about Gracie, and her circumstances, but my lil man Landry is AMAZING! I love him more than words can express, and I am so grateful God choose me to be his mommy. So Landry has been loving the water this summer. Him and daddy go swimming a lot at my moms, and at 3 1/2 he has decided to swim without floaties or any devices. He jumps in the pool and swims to the side!!! It is the coolest thing to watch! I had to brag about my baby and post a video! He's so stinkin cute!
Friday, July 20, 2012
"So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you." (Duteronomy 31:6)
I've decided to try and make posts once a week since things are happening so quickly with Gracie. It's been a crazy month. Gracie got sick and was in ER with 105.7 temps. We still aren't 100% sure what she had, but she did have an infection of some sort. They thought it was a UTI, but the labs came back on her sample and they were negative. Shortly after the ER visit, we got to go visit Robert's family in Coeur d' Alene and had a great time. My brother-in-law got married, Robert's 96 year old grandma got to hold Gracie for the first time, and Gracie just exploded with her milestones. She is now crawling, sitting up, pulling herself up, and has started cruising while holding onto the table just a bit. It's so encouraging to see her accomplish these goals. I am noticing she falls and sits down a lot, and I'm thinking it's because of a balance/strength issue with her FH leg.
A couple months ago we filed for Medicaid to assist with Gracie's medical care, and just found out we were denied. Apparently we make $500 too much. Even though she's disabled, which is just NUTS! So....we are are appealing that decision and requesting a fair hearing. We still have not gotten her brace, I've been waiting for fundraising and Medicaid and other grants I've applied for to come thru, and they haven't. It's looking like we're going to just have to charge it. I'm especially concerned about getting her in it now that she's trying to stand and balance.
Gracie's first surgery is scheduled for March. She will be getting her tibia straightened, (it is bowed), and her ankle reconstructed. We will be traveling to Baltimore and will be there for at least 2 weeks. I've had a lot of questions about what Gracie will really go thru. Since her condition is rare friends and family are a little unsure of what to expect. So, with permission from another FH mom, I am posting pictures of what Gracie's leg and foot will look like after surgery. She will be in a similar fixator for 8-12 weeks which will require pin site cleanings 3x a day since where the the pin sites are is considered an open wound. It will also mean arranging for clothing to fit over the fixator, and a vehicle to travel in where we can fit her leg and keep it elevated when needed. I haven't confirmed it, but I've been reading that a new car seat will be needed as well.
Our current prayer requests are for financial provision. We are beyond stretched and stressed with our finances for her medical procedures, and my employer just cut my pay by $1.25 an hour. Also for peace of mind, for Landry to not feel left out, and strength and courage as we fight these battles with Medicaid.
Below are some pictures from our visit and some of what Gracie's leg will look like after surgery, and some pictures from our trip. **Please be aware the fixator pictures are hard to look at.**
A couple months ago we filed for Medicaid to assist with Gracie's medical care, and just found out we were denied. Apparently we make $500 too much. Even though she's disabled, which is just NUTS! So....we are are appealing that decision and requesting a fair hearing. We still have not gotten her brace, I've been waiting for fundraising and Medicaid and other grants I've applied for to come thru, and they haven't. It's looking like we're going to just have to charge it. I'm especially concerned about getting her in it now that she's trying to stand and balance.
Gracie's first surgery is scheduled for March. She will be getting her tibia straightened, (it is bowed), and her ankle reconstructed. We will be traveling to Baltimore and will be there for at least 2 weeks. I've had a lot of questions about what Gracie will really go thru. Since her condition is rare friends and family are a little unsure of what to expect. So, with permission from another FH mom, I am posting pictures of what Gracie's leg and foot will look like after surgery. She will be in a similar fixator for 8-12 weeks which will require pin site cleanings 3x a day since where the the pin sites are is considered an open wound. It will also mean arranging for clothing to fit over the fixator, and a vehicle to travel in where we can fit her leg and keep it elevated when needed. I haven't confirmed it, but I've been reading that a new car seat will be needed as well.
Our current prayer requests are for financial provision. We are beyond stretched and stressed with our finances for her medical procedures, and my employer just cut my pay by $1.25 an hour. Also for peace of mind, for Landry to not feel left out, and strength and courage as we fight these battles with Medicaid.
Below are some pictures from our visit and some of what Gracie's leg will look like after surgery, and some pictures from our trip. **Please be aware the fixator pictures are hard to look at.**
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Landry had so much fun diving off the diving board! |
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The weather was perfect for being outside, so Gracie was in heaven! |
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Camping in the trailor with his Lala and Papa! |
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So proud of herself for standing up! |
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Landry had so much fun at Silverwood. It took all day to get him to put his hands up and I got the PERFECT shot of it! |
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Our first family of 4 photo! |
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After we got back into town, we met my parents for dinner and Gracie was so tired she fell asleep in the high chair at the resturaunt! |
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Information for donation! |
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