First, we have a new fundraiser on Monday, October 8th. The owners of The Spot (NEC of Higley and Ray Rd) are donating a percentage of sales from 8am-9pm when the attached flyer is shown. PLEASE make sure to stop by, support Gracie and get some amazing, fresh food!!!
Gracie got her AFO brace a few weeks ago. She doesn't mind it at all and it really helps her to balance. She is standing a lot, and so close to taking a step its crazy....but no walking yet. I find this hard because Landry was walking 3 days after his 1st birthday, and Gracie will be 1 in a month. I know I shouldn't compare, its just hard not to. I am so impressed with how she does with her brace though. I can't keep hair bows on to save her life, but she could care less about her brace. ITS GREAT! We also got Gracie's xrays done. I'm still waiting to hear from her doctor, but it looks to me like she is missing some bones in her foot. Looks to my mom like her tibia may have gotten a little straighter. It will be interesting to see what it looks like to Dr. Standard, LOL!
Gracie's physical therapist comes once a month to our house and is really impressed with her progress. She is also starting to talk. Besides Mama, and dada, she says "more," "uh-oh," "no," and makes a lot of specific sounds that correlate with it won't be long. She is quite possibly one of the most strong minded little girls that I've ever known. She is getting her hands in everything and really testing to see what our reactions will be. She has 7 teeth and I think another one is coming soon.
Robert and I are hoping to get family pictures and 1yr pics for Gracie done before her surgery in March. I put out a request on facebook for recommendations, and was referred to a non-profit called Inspiration Through Art. They work with photographers from all over the country to provide services for families going thru life changing events like ours. We applied, and later that day were accepted!!! I found a photographer on their site that I like, so I'm waiting to hear back from her and get the pics scheduled. I'm so excited!!! I can't wait. I ordered Gracie a Boise State tutu to wear with her jersey for one of the pics! Thanks Miranda!!!! That was an amazing referral!
Things have been going good, but crazy. We recently had a chance to take a quick trip to San Diego with Robert's cross country team. It was super busy but Landry got to play soccer at the beach with some of the kids, and Gracie got to put her feet in the ocean for the first time. Then last Friday, Robert was in a car accident. He is OK, THANK we're just waiting to see if they repair or total the car. We are hoping they repair it because it was paid off. I have received 2 pay cuts at work in the last 3 months. I realize how close the surgery is getting (March), and when I focus too much on it, I get down...I'm stressing more then usual about the mini van issue because we got Gracie a big girl car seat, and there is just no way our vehicle will work when she has her fixator on. I would not be able to transport both her and our son. I am still looking for work I can do from home when she comes back from Baltimore....but God is bigger and I will put my trust in Him.
Overall, we have had such a good month with Landry playing soccer, and Gracie cruising around all the furniture. Our church has finally found their own building, and we are just doing great. There is a song we've been singing at church that has really been helping me a lot lately. Its called "I'm Counting on God," by the Desperation Band. This song serves as a constant reminder to me of where my focus should be. Not on Fibular Hemimelia and what it will do to our daughter and family, but on God and the good He will bring from it.
I'm Counting On God, The Desperation Band
I’m in a fight not physical
And I’m in a war
But not with this world
You are the light that’s beautiful
And I want more
I want all that’s Yours
Joy unspeakable that won’t go away
And just enough strength
To live for today
So I never have to worry
What tomorrow will bring
‘Cause my faith is on solid rock
I am counting on God
I am counting on
I am counting on God
The miracle of Christ in me
Is the mystery that sets me free
I’m nothing like I used to be
Open up your eyes you’ll see
Great pic of Gracie and my feet in the sand. She LOVED the ocean! |
Landry schooling the high school cross country team in soccer...LOL! They were soooo good to him! |
This is from a while ago, but I LOVE this picture of the two of them in Gracie's crib! |
My Starbucks dates! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the days I get to stay home with them! |
Gracie, showing off her pink brace! I swear she was posing for me! |
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PLEASE join us for See Gracie Run day at the SPOT! The food is amazing and it will be a HUGE help to us! |